Ain't No Sunshine

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  1. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    Almost forgot - go check out the great VK's pinup replacers - I'm using Trudy in this one...
    and of course AerysTMD's mannequin makeovers using zzjay tha god's race... and of course, the crazy-lovely Vanessa.
  2. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 183 kudos
    All I have to say is Trudy is a LOT nicer than I would have been to that chomo. Sunny doesn't need to see it, so take him out back and, hmmm... don't suppose Trudy's got a woodchipper to feed him into, so guess that leaves a .44 vasectomy. Only way to get rid of that kind of trouble, and it sends  pretty clear message to any other jackasses that start to have stupid ideas. 
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I share the sentiment.  Pedos need to swing.
      That said, Trudy knows that 'bastards have brothers,' and she can't take them all on...  it's just tough being a woman in the wasteland, I suppose - no good choices.
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 357 kudos
      Maps belong on the wall.
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 357 kudos
    Four of them, that's how the three Musketeers started.  lol
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Hadn’t thought about that, but many good adventures start in a tavern, don’t they?
  4. blu377
    • supporter
    • 195 kudos
    I thoroughly enjoyed this & can honestly say I'm looking forward to more
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, Blu!   Real life seems to be getting in the way of comic production at the moment
  5. AusAllerWelt
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    Disturbing that Sunny looks the same when she was a child (minus the body). You should think about that.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Yeah, I know- but it'll be the last episode with her as a kid.  I just don't have the time to make a believable kid face/hair/etc. to match, so this is it   If I ever bump this over to a comics site, I'll have to her face up some.
      Edit - I forgot: I split this episode into two parts because it was so huge - you'll have to endure another strangely-small adult Sunny
  6. Bernt
    • premium
    • 392 kudos
    Took me a couple of frames before I realized it was Trudy with her hair down. She's looking terrific. Excellent writing. Small town America -  or Denmark. I can imagine it happening as I write this
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, Bernt, as always- I always take something away from them.

      I was able to age Trudy in my GECK (before it wouldn't open anymore) for the 'later' scenes - the "back when Sunny was a kid" vs. grown-up Sunny, and I tried to make the age progression a bit more obvious with the hair-wrap - I hope it worked..?

      Right - bouncing between episodes probably confuses the readers sometimes- I hope to someday post this strip on a comic hosting website where it can all be read in 'one shot.'  You guys just get the rough and confusing sneak-preview, I suppose..?
    2. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      Nope. Not confusing. I've been reading your story(ies) for long enough to know what's going on. And this part of it is old hat to all of us. Though you manage to flesh it out and make it sound, not only plausible, but as realistic as can be expected when based on a game. And I know about Trudy and Sunny living together. It was just that seeing Trudy with her bandana - and then with her hair down. I'm not used to THAT
  7. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 420 kudos
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      lol thanks Daz!
  8. etholas
    • supporter
    • 55 kudos
    A good read and a perfectly timed track to accompany it.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Thanks, mah friend!
  9. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Good title and chapter. Of course,I was expecting Bill Wethers.
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      I'll see what I can do next time
      I'm just running out of titles with "sun" in them
  10. Karna5
    • premium
    • 319 kudos
    This is so cool. I laughed out loud in surprise at the early answer to what's next being drinking, haha. It makes me feel like maybe I missed something in life deciding not to drink alcohol when I turned 20. I keep meaning to try it, at least something tasty like Kaluah and cream, but my girlfriend doesn't drink either, and as I can't drive and live in the middle of nowhere, I've never convinced her to help me buy a bottle to try it when it crosses my mind (which is almost never except for times like now *laughs*).

    At first I thought that woman was carrying two five gallon jugs of beer and was amazed at how much drinking they wanted to do, haha. But then I realized she's a small woman, and the next scene made a lot more sense :)

    That fire arm clicking sound was appropriate. I sense that you have and know fire arms. In Hollywood, they often make that click sound for effect when it makes absolutely no sense (like an automatic chambered pistol which would already be chambered or a shotgun which would already be chambered), but that was a single action revolver, and that made perfect sense. Good ears in a quiet room can always hear that hammer clicking into place while the cylinder spins to chamber a round.

    Wonderful set as always, my friend! :)
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      Hey, Karna- thanks for stopping by!

      Alcohol: you're probably not missing much.  I like a couple beers now and then.  Drank way too much in my younger days, however - complete waste of time and money.

      Yeah... my younger version of Sunny Smiles' character is just shrunk down in scale and wearing child's clothing, which changes the body to (New Vegas' version of) a child's body.  Not great, but it was the most time I was willing to spend trying to make her into a kid  

      The gun sound - that movie thing with weapons-always-cocking-whenever-they-are-produced always annoys me!  Good eye for the single-action
  11. Rottie419
    • supporter
    • 22 kudos
    Really enjoying this origin story, I've run out of laudatory language to describe my enjoyment of it
    1. theeggman99
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      thanks, Rottie - glad you like it!