Race Progress Update

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Here are a few examples of the anthro races that are at least 95% finished. These races currently have full male and female support, as well as the kid races for certain quests, mostly being in Fallout 3. Also pictured is a couple great examples of the new Hero Body.

I realize this is not for everybody, but critical comments regarding the content of the mod is not necessary. However, constructive criticism on the quality of the work is more than welcome.

While I'm no lore purist, I've wanted to find a way to at least somewhat stay within the bounds of the Fallout ideals.

The idea is that Vault 9, (a currently unused by canon vault number) located somewhere in central United States, was a laboratory for genetic experiments. During the first few years after the door closed, children of most of the vault inhabitants were spliced with animal DNA in vitro before birth to alter their genetic outcomes. The purpose was improve humanity by taking the best traits animals had to offer. This was a bit rocky at first, but in the coming years since the bombs fell, the races diluted and evolved into walking, talking, fully functioning "humans".

Every ten years groups of these "humans" were released out into the wasteland to integrate into the nearby cultures though they mostly remained reclusive, sticking to their own kind, save for a few who decided to venture out into the world. However, early versions of the races were mentally unstable and the ones that were previously released multiplied and became more dangerous. Because of this, some tribes of cannibalistic, instinctual ones can be found in areas of the wastes.

Whether or not I can physically incorporate the "lore" into the game is yet to be known but here's hoping.


  1. derpyllamasrus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    plz m8 finish the mod it has not been worked on for years
    1. JackHazardous
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think it's dead
  2. mavenk87
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    With this mod can I be a barcode on a milk carton if not I'm going to be severely disappointed

  3. User_16689849
    • account closed
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    1. sacul111
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      help me jesus
  4. zombes1010
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    my gosh id love this mod!
  5. redrat07
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The background story sounds reasonable and fits with the whole vault tech genetic experiments story arc
  6. zupergozer1
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Why would you add animal people in a fallout game? Why would you want to use Aniimal people for anything at all?
    1. redrat07
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      why not after all you got examples of genetic alteration like the super mutants and deathclaws ect....
      only reason I can give is its fun and humans can get boring after awhile.
  7. MattDragon
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I cross my fingers in hope there might be a lizardy-dragon race in the mix.
  8. hitmanwolf47
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Furries will Wet their pants... Nope, not urine.
  9. graveshot1212
    • member
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    Are you planing to add tails?
  10. nofear88
    • BANNED
    • 58 kudos
    When can we expect an ETA? I come back off Skyrim to let the pool fill up with mods but since the CS wont be released to sometime in January, Im back to NV for a while and also want to diversify my game as much as possible.

    When are these gems of races available?