Goggles 6

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I'm such a noob. The solution was surprisingly simple. The baked texture was too dark. So I play with various lighting setups and none of them feel right. Then it occurs to me. Why don't I just place it inside a sphere with a white surface shader? And poof! It's much lighter and better looking, I think.

So, maybe a few minor tweaks, but it's basically done. Then it's a simple matter of making the raised version and I can upload it.


  1. christopherwoodward87
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    I have given this image my endorsement.

  2. Mitheledh
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    @Jasmiyne: Unfortunately, you're going to have to make that request of someone else. I have a number of ideas going through my head regarding armor or outfits, but none of them involve bikinies. Corsets, yes, but not bikinis
  3. Jasmiyne
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    • 60 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Quick! We need some bikini steam punk armor to go with these! I'm being serious.
    • member
    • 31 kudos
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    Lol, glad to see you found the answer to your problem. It looks great!