Guarding the Chopper

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About this image

"As the Vertibird had set down, I quickly jumped out with my rifle handy, the team were inbound any minute and I knew they were having guests on their tail."

The armour shown in this pic has been ported from Skree000 Fallout 2142 for my own personal use. Therefore I'm very careful with it due to copyright issues. No, I will not be uploading it on the Nexus because it isn't simply mine. Although, if an enough amount of people want it though, I might ask him for permission.

P.S. The armour is orginially from the game Battlefield 2142


  1. Skeleton123
    • BANNED
    • 24 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Thats a big chopper. looks hard to get in.
    Nice one.
  2. Timeranger
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    RUUUNNNNNNN!!!! .............GET TO DA CHOPPER!!!!!!

    Sorry had to be said, every time i see Chopper i thin of that line <img class=">

    really great Pic<img class=">