Fallout New Vegas
Alpha Centauri Heavy Lift Vehicle 2

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Another angle of my heavy lift vehicle.


  1. kibblesticks
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Sososo awesome! Great work! Maybe have it as having been built by a different country (like Russia or the European Commonwealth) to explain the fact we haven't seen anything like this before. If you wanted to make it lore friendly that is... personally I think an awesome giant robot needs no explanation.

    Doubter: "But they didn't have the techn-"

    Robot: "ZAAAP!"

    Doubter: *sizzles*
  2. RileyEvan
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Not to argue the point, but everything I use is from the vanilla game, as I don't have the skills to render new stuff. Everything is cut and paste. Baring a few new advances made in the intervening years in isolated areas, everything in the wasteland is old world tech. If it was available then, why wouldn't it have gone out on the trip? Fallout history says the intent was there and the tech was available (ask Bright's followers). The Fallout governments have a history of treating their citizens as glorified guinea pigs. My reasoning is that a previous attempt had been made and failed horribly. Before anyone could find out what happened, the world blew up. It's hardly a stretch to imagine the government erasing the failure from the history books.
  3. CyrusAmell
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    Would have had to use alien tech for anything like that.
  4. RileyEvan
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    This is cutting edge, pre-war tech, shipped off to the Centauri system with the goal of colonization. Epic fail.
  5. deunan2277
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Woah, is this from an upcoming mod? Looks advanced even for Enclave technology.