Fallout New Vegas
Dog Tags

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I made this model, it should have little to no clipping issues with the some merc armors, though other armors are likely to clip alot.

Dl it Here - http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=44016

Would really love some feedback on it.


  1. G33k3dGam3r
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    @Millenia - I have no idea the actual count, but its sort of high, but the game should be able to handle it, since it handles my rosary model and its about the same...
  2. Millenia
    • premium
    • 5,788 kudos
    What's the polycount? Looks kinda high since you modeled each individual 'bead'

    I would model it as a flat plane and use alpha to shape it.
  3. SariDecember
    • premium
    • 135 kudos
    Now that's what I call a cool case of coincidence. Just few hours ago, I tailored a new outfit together in Blender and thought to myself how cool dogtags would go with this one! I'll have a look and give you some feedback... and maybe a nice screenshot!?