New outfit

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This is the last armor I'm working on for my new armor pack I'm finishing up (unless I go ahead with the New Vegas Samurai). This is one of three outfits inspired by Brink. What do you all think? Any suggestions?

This outfit utilizes KOR's and Geonox's gun belt and the Army of Two masks from FO3 by ClothesMinded

PS - This outfit still needs texture work. The skin will have tattoos, for example.


  1. Shantih
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    I don't know about tattoos, this looks pretty good the way it is now. Nice work Dragbody.
  2. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,153 kudos
    Yeah I think he is actully redoing them all as in new more improved textures and meshes, I suppose I tend to be over cautious when it comes to permissions but with so many FO3 modders leaveing because their items ended up in NV without consent I ask since it is a totally different game.

    Personally I love them the way they are now too... Q_Q

    But maybe he would be fine with your use since I was putting them in a compilation not just one armor.
    I love the Brink stuff your putting out, it fits in perfectly.
  3. WolverineHowlett
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    @dragbody any chance for a roberts version?
  4. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,266 kudos
    double post, whoops
  5. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,266 kudos
    Really? Hmmm. Because they wouldn't need to really be "remade." You'd just need to use GECK to put the masks into a NV esp. Since the author hasn't made anything for NV in the 1+ year it's been out, and since he said his mod could be used for whatever we wanted as long as he's credited, I haven't even asked his permission. I just planned to credit him.
  6. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,153 kudos
    Yes, but since it was from FO3 I asked the author (as many of them do not want their stuff taken into NV) and they said no they where remaking the masks for NV and I should not use them. ToT
    I try to get in contact with all FO3 modders when useing their stuff.
  7. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,266 kudos

    The army of two mask mod has this in the description:

    You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod."
  8. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,153 kudos
    I like it, I wish I could have gotten permission to use those masks too. D:

    Tattoos on the skin? Might cause problems with people who have tattoos already?
  9. CyrusAmell
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    A bit punk, but a nice hat and I like the pant's design. The facemask is also very well detailed. I am looking forward to the tattoos however.