Fallout New Vegas
Custom Mesh -Nuclear Missile Launcher - WIP

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WIP shot of the nuclear missile launcher, based on the real world Davy Crockett.

This doesn't have a frame yet, which will cover a lot of the barrel to act a a shoulder rest and a cover for the barrel flipping down when it reloads (rocket launcher reload animation) so it's basically just the bare body. The "Fat Missile" would stick out of the barrel, much like the missile in the missile launcher.

Nothing here is resized, that's a vanilla mini nuke and missile launcher. The idea would be that the gun was heavy, inaccurate, and the missiles would travel at a snails pace, however it would unload the most powerful explosive in the game.

It's nothing amazing, since I'm no master moddler or anything, just a novice. If anyone likes this and wants the mesh as is to start from to make something better, feel free to ask :)

On a total;y unrelated note, I modelled this whilst listening to the finally of Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky - 1812 Overture, it's both dramatic, and has cannons


  1. HatterMaster
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    it's nothing special plus I've no doubt the frame will look horrible :')
    and actually it wouldn't arc, so not a mortar. Less fump boom, more weeeeeeeeee boom
  2. ObernerV
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    WOW... I just pictured a Nuke Morter...

    Great moddeling by the way and keep up the great work.