The Courier Iconic image

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About this image

Courier fighting back unknown assailants, possibly Legion, or NCR... maybe both?

Ingame images edited together with a fairly transparent-ish image (the one used ingame on securitrons) of Mr. House. Since I have no special programs like photoshop, I had to settle with windows paint... I think I did ok-ish.

I first left out the sniper's scope but there was an anooying line right down the middle that I could not remove without removing the house image or the transparent-ish black squares to make the rest of the image as dark as the part covered by Mr. House... By the way, theres no rule against a little editing is there?


  1. LePig
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    paint?what sorcery is this?
  2. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 465 kudos
    You did that with paint? wow.
  3. GenaTrius
    • supporter
    • 36 kudos
    Damn good looking for Paint! I didn't even know you could darken entire images with that. You may want to check out GIMP ( ) if you wanna do more of this. It's a free image manipulation program, vaguely similar to photoshop. It has a bit of a learning curve and has a somewhat odd interface, but it's better than Paint.