357 revolver retex WIP 2

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I got some flak for using Chet's store to display my stuff so here's an outdoors picture. Doesn't look as good but whatever, you asked for it :P


  1. Lurker101
    • supporter
    • 58 kudos
    I think I prefer the one on the right <img class=">
  2. killergrimm
    • member
    • 20 kudos
    The gun looks great, but does it really have to be that rusty ?
    The Gun Runners do sell this revolver in this game, which means almost all of the 357 revolvers you find in the Mojave were made post war by the Gun Runners and hence they are not 200 years old rusty weapons.Imo it would be better if you changed the rust to look like scratches on the metal like in your previous 357 retexture
  3. EdinMG
    • member
    • 49 kudos
    Lookin' good, lookin' really good, can't wait to see the final release...
  4. Bernt
    • premium
    • 393 kudos
    Like nivea said :-)
  5. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,153 kudos
    The more weapons you retexture, the more complete my Fallout is. <3
  6. Millenia
    • premium
    • 5,980 kudos

    Bullets in chamber still affected by shader, shining like glass ruining the look.

    Work in progress dude <img class=">
  7. Naruto2009
    • BANNED
    • 44 kudos
    I like rusty and worn-out weapons, looks nice =)
  8. Camon
    • BANNED
    • 243 kudos
    Bullets in chamber still affected by shader, shining like glass ruining the look.
  9. Millenia
    • premium
    • 5,980 kudos

    This way, we can see how it looks like for the biggest part of the game ( unless you, for some reason, only use it indoors )

    I haven't played New Vegas after Honest Hearts came out, so yeah I pretty much only use stuff in Chet's store <img class=">
  10. GODimitri
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Oh yeah, now this shows us how it really looks.