Fallout New Vegas
Couriers Rest

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About this image

Every courier needs a place to chill and create his or her evil masterplan. So I made this pile of trash with the GECK and the brilliant mod FengShuiNV. It's basically some stuff I collected through the wastes. I can credit all the mod's I've used, but I'm not gonna, because the description is long enough as it is, and because I have almost 150 mods active (after a long and painfull installation progress, you've all been there.)! :P But you can always ask.

Also, this is just a small corner of the room, I'm working on the rest of it.


  1. ForkOfTruth
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Time to call Hoarders.
  2. kibblesticks
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Looks really really nice
  3. looks just like my own room