New Armor Pack Preview - In-Game

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Please see my other image for more details on this upcoming mod.

This is my Courier, Boone, and Niner showing off some new outfits plus a close-up of a new gasmask.


  1. TheoDoreTheWizard
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    These are awesome but I still wish you had permission to add the armors you have on the VGU network
  2. Shantih
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    This is really good (again).
  3. Mishaxhi
    • supporter
    • 308 kudos
    I always loved your work. Niners default outfit was based on one from your ten armour pack. Can't wait for this.
  4. Fidller
    • BANNED
    • 11 kudos
    for this kinda stuff i have waited so long...............this is so cool
  5. JianXintou
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Once again, I really dig how intricate some of the stuff on this is. Also, the idea with the PA arm is very nice.

    The 'tactical' outfit seems like one of the few tactical outfits that actually fit well within the game and don't have any OTT camo.
  6. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    They certainly capture the whole post-apocalyptic atmosphere. I love armors that have weapons attached, like the hatchet in Boone's or the sawed-off shotgun in Niner's.
  7. harveeymon
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    yes very lore friendly i love new armors
  8. Ogramirad
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    Once again, I will say, just a Super Job on these.

    I really have always liked that night-kin scarf, it will be a Great Addition to the game as well as the rest of what I see here.. <img class="> <img class=">
  9. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,264 kudos
    Thanks Bob and Camon
  10. Camon
    • BANNED
    • 243 kudos
    wow looks so cool and lore friendly