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It began so peacefully......


  1. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 466 kudos
    Poor Garrett, the humiliation of being shot in the arse must be worse than the actual wound.
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 394 kudos
    Thank you very much all :-) I am happy that I manage to convey a feeling of these people being "real". I see both Veronica and Melissa as intilligent and strong women. Very much with a mind of their own and their own perspective on things. I don't think you'd be able to survive in this environment without. So of course they'll both be aware if something new comes up -that might have been withheld from them before. As for G and W. They have been together for so long. And know each other quite intimately. Quite apart from Willow being a newcomer to the Mojave and thus having no affiliations to any groups.
  3. deshaz
    • premium
    • 86 kudos

    "That f****** robot shot me in the arse!" LOL, I suppose there is worse places to be shot, but none funnier. The dynamics of this group are still not fully bedded down, luckily it's all been positive so far. SentryBots a nasty foe to run into anywhere, you have to take them out quickly or they will cause havoc.

    Enjoyed the read

  4. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    I hereby dub you Sir Garrett the Arseburnt

    Good chapter, many funny parts.
  5. jonas66
    • premium
    • 305 kudos
    Any chance at some point of packing these up into one large file? I'm really far behind.
  6. Ogramirad
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    I second what GhanimaAtreides said, several good laughs and chuckles in this escapade.. lol

    Combat was good too.

    The part that made me think of Garrett's perspective the most was when Melissa and Veronica started talking to each other, and Melissa asking Veronica is she was one of them.

    I can just imagine in my minds eye that Garrett quickly turned to look at Veronica to see what see was going to say back, watching her say, Yes is that an issue?

    His mouth must have been agape some, thinking, here I am laying on the floor shot in the ass.

    And that there could be a problem here in my group, tensing up and getting ready, just in case that is all going to go ballistic at any second.

    And then seeing Melissa's response of No, he closes his mouth and eases back down on his sore ass, with a Huge Sigh of relief.. lol

    Of course Garrett not letting on to anyone there that he was feeling or thinking any of that.

    Because he is a cautious man, as he clearly demonstrated, by picking up that Q-35 Matter Modulator, and deftly stashing it in his pack when Veronica was occupied..

    Great Chapter, and mind visuals for myself as I read it.<img class="> <img class=">
  7. GhanimaAtreides
    • premium
    • 119 kudos
    "That f****** robot shot me in the arse!" Okay, as bad as that obviously was, I couldn't help but laugh! Good thing it wasn't a direct hit though, ouch! Those REPCONN Sentries always make me nervous, unless I'm sufficiently high level, so I try not to stir the hornet's nest.

    And now, Melissa knows one more secret about the group, she seems to be integrating rather nicely. I like how, despite their obvious closeness and trust and the fact that they've all taken a bullet for each other, the trust is not 100% complete between them...except Garrett and Willow.
  8. Shantih
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    This is some great backstory to accompany your pictures. Nice job Bernt!
  9. Xazomn
    • premium
    • 497 kudos
    u that solar system in the vanilla game?? realy...i always come in and go as quick as possible hahaha omg
  10. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 420 kudos
    Much quieter than most of my visits, lol.