Fallout New Vegas
All my companions

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It didn't take too long. Niner was supposed to be in there but he decided he'd rather do drugs and i wasn't going to wait for him. Sunny Smiles is to the far left. Then it Veronica next to her. Then Willow reading her wasteland survival guide. The guy jumping behind Willow is a Reanimated corpse from the build able bots mod. THEN ITS ME in the Spawn armor which is not recommended for a play through with project Nevada because it sets your agility to 50 so you run like a Brahmin on steroids. Next right next to me is ED-E. After that is Cass but she has the better cass mod on. Then theres Boone with a spawn mask on. Then another reanimated corpse who wants to take over the world and enslave everyone. Hence the slave collar. This was all made possible by the GROOVATRON. Which is an amazing mod.