Fallout New Vegas
From the Diary of Clarissa Winters - Erudition

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In which more is revealed! We, as readers (those of us who are familiar with Fallout 3, anyway) get a tantalizing hint here as to the possible nature of the St. Cyrs.

And her subconscious has caught something in the last entry that all of you lot have completely missed the significance of.:) (And confess in the comments if you went back and reread the last entry in an attempt to figure out what it was. I'll give you a hint: We have seen in detail every interaction between Clarissa and Jason.)

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  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    Aurora is dangerous -and I expect smooth talking Jason to be double so! Which is probably something Clarissas subconciousness tried to scream at her but not high enough!
    These entries of yours..... (Shakes head) Good thing I have the Wiki and two vocabularies at hand. Talk about education!
  2. deshaz
    • premium
    • 86 kudos

    On the surface Jason appears to be offering something that Clarissa could benefit from, but they could find themselves being judged guilty by association if the Regulators come looking for Jason.

    I'm too tied at the moment to look any closer

    Good read

  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Is it that she was expecting an arousal reaction from Jason and there was none? I caught that but didn't see where it was going at the time. It makes their relationship that much more complicated and unorthodox.
    1. Raven405
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Interesting, with so much implication like that do you think they will success?
  4. Xaranth
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Hmmmm, so the Regulators are after him... Regulators on one side, Talon Company on the other... why do I get the impression Jason and Aurora lean to the side of the later?
    You are assuming that I haven't rewritten FO3 a bit also.
    1. Angrod88
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      It's actually quite believable that this kind of situations would arise with the Regulators' rather extreme approach to justice. Still, it wouldn't surprise me if the Regs have more than just wild claims against them, especially given Aurora's psychotic outbursts...
  5. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    Hmmmm, so the Regulators are after him... Regulators on one side, Talon Company on the other... why do I get the impression Jason and Aurora lean to the side of the later?