Fallout New Vegas
From the Diary of Clarissa Winters - Keep Your Friends Close

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  1. deshaz
    • premium
    • 86 kudos

    Great read, sometimes I feel like slapping Niner, then something crazy comes out and you LOL
    Jason and his wife, still an unknown, are they what they seem to be, or something more sinister, only time will tell.


  2. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    I'm with Veronica on this one, you can have your enemies a little too close.
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Good one. Very good job of letting Niner be himself.

    The detail of checking her boots is very much appreciated and often overlooked. Something that folks who haven't "been there" wouldn't know, much like folks seem to think a real sand storm is something you can endure by putting a rag over your mouth and pushing on.
    1. Xaranth
      • supporter
      • 73 kudos
      Yeah, because there's nothing like being flayed alive by sedimentary and igneous particulates to improve the complexion.

      The boots/shoes thing is something my wife still does, despite being 1200 miles removed from a climate where it's necessary. Some habits!
    2. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Me too, every mornning. I know too may people who have been stung bad. The little tree bark buggers are the worst - not the big ugly black ones.
  4. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    Heh, I prefer my version of that proverb: keep your friends close and your enemies six feet under

    "South past Goodsprings to Randall", that's the most interesting part of their plan (which is filled with interesting parts, by the way).
    1. Xaranth
      • supporter
      • 73 kudos
      I hope I run into a Deathclaw, although we're going the roundabout route with a visit to Bonnie Springs and Red Rock Canyon. Actually, they spend tomorrow night in that farmhouse out by Vault 19.

      I may force a Deathclaw encounter just so I can write the following scene and dialogue:

      Aurora kills said Deathclaw, alone, with a single sword strike.
      Veronica: "Did she just...?"
      Clarissa: "Yeap."
      Veronica: "I didn't...?"
      Clarissa: "Nope."
      Veronica: "That's just..."
      Clarissa: "Uh huh."
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    I can see what Clarissa means by that old saying but......! I still think Veronica has gotten it right. But then again - I'm just a simple guy with a simple mindset. The "Sinceres" may have some skills that can come in handy -true. But I would be too worried about them to be able to fight at 100% - and what's to prefer then?
    1. Xaranth
      • supporter
      • 73 kudos
      Of course, as mysterious as they are, what if they were OUT of sight? How worried would everyone be then? (Well, everyone except Niner, anyway...)

      I think I'd be more paranoid (And I know Clarissa would be) if I couldn't keep my eye on them and see whatever they were up to. Of course, they may turn out to be 'harmless' as far as Clarissa and her crew are concerned, in which case she'll have to deal with the reality of her rampantly erroneous instincts...

  6. DizzasterJuice
    • supporter
    • 312 kudos
    First I wanted to side with Veronica's "what the hell" attitude but then she caved, so now I'm leaning towards Niner's "The freaky chick with hot pants and great tits is comin' along..." attitude.
    Another great episode!
    1. Xaranth
      • supporter
      • 73 kudos
      Niner is such an awesome character. I feel bad for not getting more use out of him.