trench broom

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  1. ArekkusuStorm
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    I kinda wish that there was a two-handed melee version of this so the bayonet actually gets used.
    1. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 355 kudos
      A model is a model; it's all in how it's rigged. You can make a rifle animate and act like a club or give a club a rifles animations and make it shoot. The model doesn't care.

      If you play Honest Hearts and tell Joshua Graham to go melee, they gave him a pistol whipping version of his gun.

      There also exists a mod (not on Nexus) that adds a bayonet to This Machine and makes it hot-swappable between shooting and melee with a keypress as well as A Light Shining in the Darkness.
    2. SomeDeadGuy1
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Don't forget the broken shotgun in Beyond Boulder Dome.
  2. harveeymon
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    I like if someone makes it i would download.
  3. optimumOUTCAST1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Did you make this? If you did then can you make another version where it has a wooden stock?