Fallout New Vegas
A Lonely Day

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He wasn\'t really hungry as the smoke from his fifth or sixth cigarette filled the tent. He knew he had to eat but he just didn\'t want to. His damaged mind wandered into strange places wondering what to do. From time to time,his eyes wandered to his fathers prized Mateba,a weapon handed from father to son since the Great War,or so he was told. A weapon so stained with blood that the steel would always be fed and always hunger more. The grips are well worn by many a rough hand holding them.

The 1911 he could feel in this shoulder harness weighing him down was another thing he idly drifted to. He could feel a finger caress its wooden grip lightly,feeling the bumps and ridges and deep scratches in the frame. A well used and loved pistol. It was a former friend of his,as well as his mentor.

But the memories..were faded glimpses of another life. He could just barely see the ghosts of those vestigial memories,a face here,a name there and a voice.\" Who are they?\" he often wondered. \"I know them,but who,and why?\" The emotions faded as time grew on. The familiar faces he once knew,are strangers to him now.

\"What have I become...?\" he mused softly in the dying light of the day.

The voices he heard,the nightmares he had,the screams of pain and anguish. The scars were real,even if one could not see them. He was shot,stabbed,beaten,poisoned,all for what? A job is a job. He did what he needed to. He walked away from many things. Every time,trying to start a new life,but he always fell back into the same old habits and ruts again and again.

This time,he tried a courier run. He thought it couldn\'t be that difficult. After all,the Legion he so highly despised wouldn\'t bother a courier. He hated both the Legion for what they have done,but he\'s also hated the NCR for their \"if you have it fine but if I want it,its mine\" attitude he has seen in his years. Neither side was right,and neither side had right or reason to be in the Mojave.

\"Both sides lack the initiative and the motivation to finish what they started,why should I get involved?\" he thought. \"After all, having two bullets in my brain pan just ruined my dating potential. I should leave them be and let it work its course. No reason to be involved.\"

The nomad had wondered where he was going to go. He had heard of a canyon to the north that was supposedly quiet. Perhaps he could seek refuge there and observe from a distance.

Sadly,Dima has died,as his save was corrupted. He died an honorable death at the hands of an unknown mercenary group. Rumors persist of his death being caused by the owners of the Silver Rush cooperating with members of Talon Company.


  1. Fidller
    • BANNED
    • 11 kudos
    'The NCR might be a-hole's sometimes.....but they made the wasteland a bit safer with hunting down and destroying the Enclave......Also they keep trading fair and help alot of people too......Ofcourse im in for the cash only.....sometimes the NCR gives me a few bounty's here and some dirty work there. They are happy....im happy and whole California is happy

    -Stephen 'Steve' Dakota (My character)

    (opinion about NCR)
    1. Azrael120782
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      "I would have no problem with the NCR if they held themselves to their supposedly high standards and had a tighter grip on their big name companies and ranchers. There is no reason for a country to be run by the rich. A country is meant for the people. The Enclave had what was coming to them. Their lifestyle just isn't suited for this world anymore. Actions and decisions that they carry are an Old World ideal that just isn't compatible here.. Perhaps it is my bitterness speaking,or perhaps it is just observation. We will see where time leads. But history does repeat itself quite often if we do not learn from our mistakes"

      - The Worn Man(he doesn't have a name at the moment)
    2. Fidller
      • BANNED
      • 11 kudos
      'NCR is screwing things up because of those basterds across the Colorado...if they cross the Dam and get to Vegas they push to California and after a while they reach D.C. Its better if they crush the Legion and take care afterwards when its more safe. They did it in the Old World.......the World War it was called i believe.....they had too take care of their civilians after their war because they focused on the war to get it over as soon as possible. But i agree about the companies and ranchers......they should send in some guys with a few miniguns and send a suprise if they don't want to pay more taxes....'

  2. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    What have I become? the answer is easy: a pawn in the war..... and war, war never changes.
  3. hirsepimpel
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    "What have I become...?" I think everyone will ask himself the same question at one point. But i think many won't like the answer, or they will fear the answer.