Fallout New Vegas

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"Well shit. That didn't go as planned" he thought. "This was a bad idea wasn't it? I knew trying to salvage anything out of Raider turf should have been a bad idea.." The old rifle he found did a great job at perforating their skulls,but not so great when there were more than he could shoot at. He had a hard time controlling the machine gun in his hands. In its fully automatic mode,it became incredibly difficult to control. But it did manage to drive the raiders back away from his hiding spot and for now,duck their heads into cover. He could still hear a Raider sniper shooting at his position and then a round round connected with his shoulder.

"Fuck!" He said out loud as the hot copper and lead met flesh and bone. He tucked himself further into cover as his eyes clouded with pain and fury. He stuck the gun over the ledge and fired several long bursts at to where he thought the sniper was. He didn't hear anything but he knew the sniper had him pinned down. He could hear the Raiders laughing and mocking him from their cover and he stuck his head over to see where they were and promptly their sniper shot at him and hit the ledge in front of his face. But he did manage to catch a glimpse of their sniper and with that,he again fired several bursts until he had seen them go down.

He managed to kill off the last few raiders and make his way out of their territory. Making off with a few decent guns that he could salvage and find,he decided his best course of action would be to head to the Followers. He had heard of them and they should be able to patch him back up. He stood up and he could feel the hot sticky blood running down his back. Several steps later he had to stop and lean against the wall feeling very light headed and vertigo consuming him. "Shit..I hope they didn't hit anything too important" he thought as he attempted to feebly bandage the wound just to stop the bleeding.


  1. jerkwad2230
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great story, keep them coming please. What armor mod(s) are you using in this picture though?
    1. Azrael120782
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I run quite a lot of armor mods.

      Chest Rig is the ammo pouches on his chest. I was using the same ones from another mod,NCR Rearmed,but I hate the vanilla armor and replaced it with Dragonskin,so I lost the chest rig from that mod. His necklace is from this mod

      The clothes are from Variety is the Spice of Life mod. As are his glasses.

      And thanks,I'm still working on him and adding to him,but theres a special in World of War Planes(play 200 battles and get 5K gold between your WoWP and WoTs accounts) so I'm a bit off in that.