Fallout New Vegas
Cottonwood Ledge Teaser

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(Green shows new/edited Navmeshes)

Here's a teaser for a mod I just finished called Cottonwood Ledge, which adds a series of bridges and scaffolding to climb the cliffside North of Cottonwood Cove. It didn't make sense to me that Legionaries being deployed to Nelson would have to travel out toward Coyote Mines, go up 95 to Novac, then cut back to Nelson through an NCR checkpoint. Besides, I'm fairly certain the Rangers at Station Echo mention the Legion scaling the cliffs. Anyway, I'm tired after all this navmeshing, so the mod will be tested and uploaded within an hour or so. Stay tuned!


  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Wow, that's a lot of fine little triangles. Vertical navmeshing intimidates the heck out of me.
    1. Dudeman325
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      It definitely was quite a bit of work, but I split the project up into 6 stages from the bottom up, which made it a bit more bearable. I haven't done this much Navmeshing before, so I'll be doing a bit of testing after I take a break before I upload, but everything checks out in the GECK, and I can't spot any errors with the mk1 Eyeball. Hoping for the best once playtesting goes through!