Makeshift Skydiving

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Because I have yet to find a parachute mod I have a came up with a way of doing a makeshift skydiving kind of thing using two mods and some imagination. I use the J3X Vertibird New Vegas Style mod by Hardkopy and the Jetpack mod. I fly really (or go up really high) and bail of the vertibird and then quickly equip the jet pack. I continue falling until I reach an appropriate altitude then ignite the jets and land.

A major moment killer is when you fly back up to the vertibird and when you get in it you start at ground level instead of moving on from that point in the air.

I snapped this photo on my return flight and ran out of fuel right when I reached the safety of the vertibird. It was cool thought I dropped from the air sneaked around took out some bad guys and went back up into the sky.


  1. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    Awesome! What mod are you using for the Vertibird?
    1. Skyviper086
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      I'm using the J3X Vertibird NV Style mod by Hardkopy and when I went back to find the link I see that he's hidden it. Recently ... which has me wondering what wonderful things he may be cooking up.
    2. Angrod88
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Cool, thanks for the tip!