Fallout New Vegas
Looking for Willing Animators

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'Nother quick progress update.

As you can see the mesh is in-game and most of the maps are done. You wouldn't beleive how long that took, had to go back and rebake all my normals.

The sights are working, but the animation isn't playing in-game or in the GECK. It can be seen and played in the GECK but it dosn't automatically play. Guessing its something in the NIF, but I'm yet to figure it out.

Aside from small stuff like the icons, and the leveled lists, nearly everything is ready for release! :D

Except for the animations : (

I've tried several times now, but the reload animations I produce always have some sort of serious flaw which causes the camera to fly upwards through the ceiling and crash the game after they play. Its got to the stage where I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to see if anyone is willing to do them for me. If anyone knows of someone who has reload animation know-how, please let me know.


    • member
    • 5 kudos
    i cant wait for this to come out, it looks awesome. Why dont you try Millenia, he and his team create weapon mods from scratch or retextures the vanilla ones. Could be worth a try
  2. Worminator
    • supporter
    • 91 kudos
    As far as I know doing animations from scratch for Fallout is a pain in the a**, so most likely you won't find anyone who will do it.

    Also how have do made the animations for the rifle ? Did you just copy them over from a vanilla one or something else ?
    1. 11meister
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      I copied existing ones - and altered the bone locations in the keyframes. I suspect the issues I'm having are from how I"m exporting it - as it plays fine in-game, and the camera only glitches at the end.
    2. Worminator
      • supporter
      • 91 kudos
      I think it could be a problem with the sight node, but I'm not sure.
    3. 11meister
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      Thanks, I'll double check it. I'm just going to keep hacking away at this until I get it right. The boring reload animations always annoy me when I play, so I wouldn't feel right releasing my own mod until I've given fixing them, a proper try.
  3. Gers
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    What reload animations are you replacing?
    1. 11meister
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      2hareloadA - and its 3rd person counterpart - they work fine as is, but I wanted to alter them so that the magazine isn't pulled out, but drops free, and the weapon is lowered and tilted to the side while pulling the charging handle - instead of hovering somewhere near the players face.