Chiappa Triple Barrel Shotgun

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Chiappa Triple Barrel Shotgun
When two barrels don't quite cut it, you need the Chiappa Triple Barrel Shotgun This impressive twelve-gauge shotgun has three 18.5-inch barrels — two side-by-side, and one on top — all fired by a single mechanical trigger. This combination makes for a shotgun that is incredibly fast to shoot, and always reliable. Each barrel has an individual choke, allowing you to have three separately-adjusted chokes in the same weapon. A two-part stock lets you use a full stock, or a short pistol grip, making this a versatile home-defense weapon, and a really fun gun to shoot.


  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos

    Ooooo! I like this, yes indeedy.
  2. amsoho75gr
    • BANNED
    • 54 kudos
    soon, before fallout 4...
  3. millionfold
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    nice, can yeah make it playable soon?