Shade From the Sun

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A comment Angrod made on my intro to Lucretia caught my thoughts, that it would be tough for an albino to be out in the sun all the time, so I made a parasol for her to take with her, haha. Just hooked it onto one of the mod backbacks I have in my resource files. I think I'm going to do another version where the parasol is furled and tucked in, for switching to in interior settings. It's the polite thing to do after all.


  1. TragicComic
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Ahhhh what inspiration!
  2. VxdVxn
    • member
    • 67 kudos
    I'd hate to be that umbrella in a sandstorm XD very cool though. Makes me want a fruity drink with an umbrella now.
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 357 kudos
    Cute. Might also be fun for a jetpack or any other accessory to have indoor and outdoor separate appearances.
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos

    This is great!
  5. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Like it. Any chance of making an Abby Sciuto version?

    1. jonas66
      • premium
      • 303 kudos
      I may do a few variations once I figure out what I'm going to do with them. The backpack I'm sticking them on is somebody else's work, so I need some other way to make them stick to the back. Thinking maybe some sort of sling thing.
    2. cormell
      • premium
      • 338 kudos
      Sounds good. Sling/harness would work -- just please, don't do a ball cap umbrella. Anxiously awaiting. (Well, unless the ball cap has two beer cans on the sides and a drinking tube attached.)
  6. Amig186
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Handy if you're a vampire.
  7. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos

    Tell Lucre she's welcome The tucked in version sounds like a fine idea.
  8. zanyoutlaw
    • premium
    • 41 kudos
    That's really cool and she's cute also happy easter.