Fallout New Vegas

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Alpha on the left, pup on the right, normal variants in the back.


  1. EnderDragonFire
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    Was this mod ever released? These shots are over a year old, but I want wolves and deer SO badly.
  2. ArekkusuStorm
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    Man I chose a bad time to go on a break at the time, glad I had the chance to see these images now.
  3. RepublicOfDavnation
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    Hey, can you please not spam the image share like this? I don't know about any rules against posting a few photos back to back, but most people usually wait until their image is off the first page to post another. Another thing people do to post multiple pics at once is to put them in the description. I know you just wanted to show off a few pics, but you have to understand that other people want their stuff to be seen too.

    Have a good day
    1. macintroll
      • member
      • 428 kudos
      There is already a 5 pictures / day official limit on nexus.
      I d like to know if the mod will be available, and resources usable for other mods ???
    2. senterpat
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      As he said, there's a 5 picture a day limit. What's wrong did I push one of your pictures of the first page? There's also that next page button for people. I could care less about my pics, but a couple of people wanted to see the creatures. So, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. I may have respected your wishes if you were an actual mod author, but your just some guy who's mad that his pics aren't being seen.

      @macintroll The mod is still quite a ways from a release, but yes to both, all my mods are usable as resources
    3. llamaRCA
      • premium
      • 2,276 kudos
      He's not spamming. You, as well as any other user (including senterpat), are allowed to post five images per day. He's done nothing wrong.
  4. nivea
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    I dont see the problem, if this where Skyrim sure but FNV has so few pictures uploaded a day that all you have to do is go back one more page to pretty much see all the uploads for FNV in a day. Alot of times its less then 2 pages of new pictures lol.

    Plus he is showing off WIP for a mod, I think that takes president over random character photos imo as long as its going to be a public release.