Fallout New Vegas
Thermal Meltdown Finished

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Hurray i just finished(for good!) the thermal meltdown heavy weapon!
Made custom sounds for it(a combination of electric arc welder sound and flamer's flame looping sound) custom projectile basicaly fusing both electric arcs and flame together for an insane fireworks show!
However i had to completly scratch the script i made for the weapon.If it had worked the longer you held the trigger the hotter the weapon becomes eventually causing a small thermo-nuclear reaction(hence the name thermal meltdown) causing your victom to explode into chunky bits and releasing a mini-nukeesque explosion.
Not sure what i did wrong but the explosion would either never trigger,or trigger on every tick the weapon fired,causing nuke explosions at point blank,wich is bad for your health and computer!!

Anyhow Rate and comment!
Hypno-Toad demands it!


  1. deleted2486542
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    So much DAKKA! I need all these weapons!
  2. DemonicPrincess
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    Update:I kinda managed to get the nuke explosions working...somewhat.Instead of being a reaction after set ammount of time the weapon is firing,i just made it a critical effect upon death of target.It works,made a smaller nuke explosion,lowered the damage and its kinda balanced.
    Only pickle is i kinda had to replace the flamer crit effect for it to work since i have no idea how scripting works xD.

    If anyone understands how the critical effect scripts work like disintegration,goo and the flamer gas explosion and could help me fix this id appreciate it immensly
  3. PumpkinMuffins
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    Would you by any chance be planning to post this mod? I know I'd enjoy using this thing..
    1. DemonicPrincess
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      Yep its gonna be part of my Heavy Weapons pack,just need to get official permission from the ressource author's i used to make some of the pieces of my weapons and it will be good to go!So far theres three weapons planned,This one,the Plasma Obliterator and Mo' Dakka,wich is still in its early concept stages.