Fallout New Vegas

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This user's image description contains 12 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. TragicComic
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Looks like you have the right idea!
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    There might be hope after all Good thing a few good men - and women - stand up to the dark side while everyone else is hiding
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Heh, it's like the majority of the wasteland doesn't even care about the threat.
  3. thedragonking82
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    Andy: "Ugh... Elves, should we do something about them?"
    Wshu: "No, Lets let them handle things, it's fun to watch them go about things"

    Great effects and fun story Arekku!
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks, TDK . Watching? That's no fun, you should join in (in-game)Andy. But if you really insist then I'll toss some popcorn for you to enjoy the show.
    2. FastBlackCat
      • premium
      • 315 kudos
      Did someone say . . . popcorn?!
    3. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      (with that kind of emoticon,) Uhh.. no?..
  4. NoBarkSeesAll
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hangon, Duskris, we're coming. It takes a long time to move a Garden Gnome army up a mountain. Not too mention this Brahmin skull on my shoulder. -- Yes, yes, Antler, I appreciate your advice almost as much as the intel I get from the chipmunks.
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Haha, reinforcements, finally! I have no doubt that moving all those garden gnomes will take a while. It might just be better to let them do the walking when no one's looking, it makes the process much faster. As for the skull.. wear it.. on your head.. with pride!
  5. Benbenben
    • premium
    • 113 kudos
    Great story and awesome effects here. That holo display looks brilliant and I like the console reference in the Teleporter
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks Ben, I'm glad you like the design. (it helps to see if people would like the look of a new interface system if it followed a similar layout.
  6. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    It's the Mojave Mission Impossible!

    Great set, enjoying this a lot.
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      It sure does feel like it.. Nightkins, not an easy opponent and who knows what other magics the elves know.

      Thanks, Brig.
  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos

    This is awesome, Arekku! Finally, some action has been set in motion! *if you need air support, just let me know, the dragon/cat is finally finished lolling about and ready for action*
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Chocolate is good energy food. Also helps develop strong wing muscles.
    2. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      FBC - I'll hold on to that air support card for now.
      Cormell - Does it also make them hyper? Hehe
  8. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Ohoho indeed. Something is being done, finally. Hope that's a poison tipped arrow. Those are some great images. And No Bark is getting excited. (Ha Ha, I don't know if that's good or bad with that guy.) I wish coc was that cool in my game.

    You're probably right about the Drow being the leader. I created Sheila first and then on a whim decided to make Greta a Drow.

    One more thing -- can I get access codes for that mike? You see, Smalley works for Mr. New Vegas, and I too would like to know when and where he's snooping.
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Of course - they don't go anywhere without the deadliest of poisons. Regarding Nobark: Heh, that's what happens when irradiated tumbleweed is around. When I complete my holographic interface for New Vegas (after the magazine of course) It will include some animated console commands which hopefully I can script to work.

      Hmm, if I'm right about the drow then that could be an interesting way to quickly end this. But Plan A first.

      Sure I'll send the codes to you.
  9. ProtectorDrake
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    That Pics are amazing... and groovy effects have you there : D
    1. ArekkusuStorm
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks you Drake, I consider that quite a compliment coming from you .