About this image
Been a long time since last time. But at least Willow and Garrett are back in Vegas now. I recommend you read this one first - just for continuitys sake. This chapter begins at Forlorn Hope where they have been stuck for more than 3 months!
Retracing our steps
Next chapter is already in the making.
One thing - can anyone tell me if it is possible to get out on the new balconies Prodlimen has provided for the Atomic Wrangler?
Boy, you really hit the ground running on this one, Bernt! Great episode and I wouldn't want to be the one that ticked off Garrett.
Great to see the story continue, well done!
Hmm... the young Jensen has info and just who is he...?
Great work Bernt!
Well done, Bernt (although i would have liked one or two more pics, but that's just nitpicking), glad to have the real Garrett back
Well done Steffen, it's like you never stopped, right back to your best and Garrett is at the top of his game, can't wait for the next one to see what Erhard has to say for himself
Garrett's gotten angry, GARRETT SMASH!
Oh, and, nice chapter!