Fallout New Vegas
Baja Wall of Fame

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As Promised. Wish I had more. 


  1. thedragonking82
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    Looks very cool! An awesome wall of users images is a really great touch
  2. RayV12
    • member
    • 57 kudos
    It is hard to tell but everything in the bar is animated with also black light effects. Taking a ton of time to build.. leaving me little time to search for pics.. If anyone wants them added just add them to the user page of the mod.. I would like to plaster that whole side of the bar in them..

    1. Kpnut
      • premium
      • 60 kudos
      Well most of the pics I was thinking of where the old ones I took before I got a new laptop so are only available in the image share part of my profile. I can PM you the links to them if you want though.

      Also there's a few on the site that shall not be named.
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      I think the reason he said "If anyone wants them added just add them to the user page of the mod" is because he doesn't feel like tracking down images or visiting other sites to find stuff. Working on the mod is time consuming enough without going on wild goose chases.

      The directions were pretty clear, if you want them added get them to the user images section of the mod. That's what all the images that were used have in common. If it's not worth your time to make it happen, why would it be worth his?
    3. RayV12
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Thanks Brigand. You nailed it.

      Yeah guys.. I work about 70 to 80 hours a week. So It leaves me very little time to Mod, maybe an hour here and there. Sorry if I come off sounding rude with very short or slow responses. I'm usually on my way out the door.

      Thanks all for the support and material.

    4. Kpnut
      • premium
      • 60 kudos
      Only reason I offered to track down some of my own images in my image share and PM you the link is because I don't actually HAVE those image on my HDD anymore (or on ym old laptops HDD.)
  3. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos

    I'll have to look through my folders
  4. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 462 kudos
    I'm really looking forward to this.
  5. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Nice! It's exciting to see these being used like this. This gives me a few ideas for more too. I might just have to shoot some more.

    Nice work Rez, thanks for the sneak peeks too!
    1. RayV12
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      thanks bud.. bring em on.
  6. capmac
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey hey, looks great

    Have you tried with no white borders and not using round corners for the picture mesh? Seems the pictures are slightly distorted too. UV map not exactly placed on texture?

    Do you want me to have a go? ...obviously I like doing this kind of work

    -- capmac
    1. RayV12
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      It's a collection built into one mesh.. corners are bent out and such so it is hard to get a good shot.. UV is there but went with a shine to duplicate a picture.. some to look old some to look new.. again hard to see with a screenshot.. I'll admit I didn't spent a whole lot of time on it since I want to add more and it was for concept.

      Most cheap snapshot pictures had white borders back in the day.
    2. capmac
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      One mesh for the complete collection? Ok. Is it faster to render that way?

      I would have tried at first to use the same mesh for each picture and using texture sets to switch the picture. Then use GECK to place them. But I'm not sure this is the best approach. Especially if each picture generates shadows, ambient occlusion. Would have to experiment myself

      Regarding shine you can also change glossiness in the NiMaterialProperty if that helps.
    3. RayV12
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Capmac.. haha

      "Regarding shine you can also change glossiness in the NiMaterialProperty if that helps." yes found this out way way back when fallout "or I guess even longer".. blender and nif files came out...

      I'm not sure how much you know about modeling and animation.. But it takes loads of time to make all these models from scratch then animate them along with rebuilding most of the old ones to be more resource friendly. So as far as some small pictures on a wall, that is so low on my priority list. But I'll explain the pictures again.. Because you are going Way way Way off track with them.. they are one mesh(if I had a separate mesh for everything in Baja it would never load).. all the pictures are very small and are all combined on one 1024 texture.. The ends and corners are bent out (each differently) to replicate a old photo pinned to a bar wall. Some big ..some small .. some old.. some newer.. some in better condition then others.. blah blah blah.. Blahhhhh..

      So with that being said.. and I hope it wasn't worded in a rude way. Could I make each one perfect, perfectly square, perfect color.. perfect shadowing, perfect texture, with a perfect UV, perfectly smelling like fresh baked cookies on a spring day, and all having each its own one million by one million Texture for perfect quality.. Well sure.. Why would I want to ,I have NO IDEA.. they are old pictures on a bar wall. The resource drag alone would be unreal for it's purpose. (makes about as much sense as command prompt and typing format C to shut your computer off)

      If I did this with every model in Baja, you would never be able to load it.. One for resource w h o r e reasons, and Two ... I would never get the dang thing done.. haha..


    4. wickedGRL
      • account closed
      • 7 kudos
  7. Worminator
    • supporter
    • 91 kudos
    Aw crap, I totally forgot about that Wish I had some pics for you.
  8. Kpnut
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Well if you want you can use some of my shots, I use the Baja for quite a few screenshots.