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  1. tsukinomi
    • member
    • 75 kudos
    you should tweak the interiors lighting i did with blackout and im very happy with the results
    1. MaraSalvatrucha
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I would like to do that but there are so many values to tweak that it kinda scares me to be honest lol.
    2. MissMorose
      • premium
      • 236 kudos
      Yeah, there are a bunch of settings in there, but it isn't really that scary if you just fiddle with the settings in game. If you're wanting to adjust the brightness during day/night time, then bring up the tweaking menu in game with Shift + Enter, and scroll down to the 'ENVIRONMENT' section. That'll have the settings for lighting curves/intensity.

      You can just mess around with that 'till it looks right, then save it. And of course, you can always just backup the original Bleak ENB files before you start tweaking, so you'll have something to revert back to in case you don't like the changes. ^^
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Nice job. I haven't used Bleak, so no expert, but there are mods for Darker Nights, and some of the weather mods do that as well. Careful with the weather mods - -they don't all play well with every enb. For example with Apocalypse and Nevada Skies, I can't see my hand in front of my face at night.

    If you really want to get into it, you can tweak enbseries, effect and ini. Make sure you have a back up first. I don't know if Bleak uses SweetFX, but that gives you a lot of knobs to turn.
    1. MaraSalvatrucha
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you. I am using both weather lighting (Realistic Wasteland Lighting) and interiroir lighting (Interior Lighting Overhaul) mods which are both required for the ENB. However it's definitely too bright. I might have to look in messing around with some values, although I have no idea which values I have to tweak.

      Also forgot to give you credit for helping me setup my post, sorry ;(.