Fallout New Vegas

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Most stuff is hooked up and also new features, much more to do. Wish I could put it on the nexus.


  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Nice. I was just admiring the extra features of the F3 Darnified. Of course, OHUD does most/all of this for New Vegas too.
    1. RoyBatterian
      • premium
      • 1,252 kudos
      Nah it only does part of it, and it's all IN darn already. There was just no scripts in the plugin to handle it all. There's a whole lot more too, but I'd have to upload lots of different screenshots to show it all.

      A small rundown is:

      Varying UI scale (size), individual element enabling/disabling (like oHud), individual element positioning (like oHud), Warning colors, different colors for different elements, alternate tick styles for the HP/AP, alternate combat indicator, on screen limb indicator, several things in the pip-boy have been fixed like the current players effects list, the unlocked skills works now, variable sleep/wait menu hours, a multipage MCM menu to control all of it, etc. DarN had 99% of this already implemented in the XML, I really wonder where he disappeared to...
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Oh wow, I didn't realize there was that much more. I was only speaking on what I saw from the shot.