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Hello everyone this is the first official teaser of Fallout : The Frontier
Not to be confused with Fallout 4, The Frontier is a mod (DLC if you will) that has a lot to offer.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments below.
For more pls visit us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FalloutTheFrontier
~(our official homepage is still under construction)~
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Please remember this is just a teaser, not a trailer.
What we offer here is merely a glimpse of things to come (for now).
This is more like a DLC.
Its own worldspace. New characters, story, everything.
Neither FNV nor FO3 would conflict with this.
What kind of incompatibilities would exist?
Vertibird Transport includes, but is not limited to:
* Animated propellers that wind up/down.
* Embedded damage stages that procedurally start each engine on fire.
* SoundNodes for 3d sound, and 'dust push' emitters for landing/taking off.
* Custom havok/collision allowing any surface to be shot.
* HD textures.
* Animated light (yes an actual light, emits light).
* Multiple projectile nodes (this badboy fires multiple mg's simultaneously!)
and more!
We've definitely considered a bonus asset release on such things, we'll keep you all posted!
An yes, the interior is purposely open, its not a leisure craft
refer to the clone transports in Star Wars Ep 2
Anyways, for a while now, I've believed that the New Vegas modding scene has...well...been pretty much dead. There were only a couples projects I was looking forward to -- whatever Xilandro is working on and Someguy2000's New Vegas Bounties 3. However, this little reveal gave me a little hope there's a little life in the body.
Nexus Video share
we need more
(moddb, and our homepage still under-construction)
in due time.
We are arranging for bi-weekly devblog type things, and more!
Bear in mind Mac is also our web-dev too
We have a really great homepage lined up for everyone comb over, coming very soon.
I will say this though, once our page is up, we plan to keep it updated with sneak peaks, exclusive content, interviews and more (so bookmark it!)
We'll try a few things on our next video
Looking forward to it!
(and I've given you a Kudos for mentioning that)
a really talented group ! thank you .
only regret is not being able to add a little contribution to this project !
MAC: t'es le meilleur, merci !
Though you may not be able to contribute to the mod itself, simply sharing our video with your friends, upvoting Reddit or Youtube, Liking the Facebook and posting a comment like you did is itself a contribution : your support
I have to note that the whole scene is quite nicely put together and the voice-acting sounded superb.
Having only seen snow once in my life, I had to refer to some other movies and video games in order to create the snow visuals.
We've got a very talented little group here and it really shows you what people can do when they combine their efforts.
This was last year by the way.
Actually that will be implemented to a certain degree.
Via ''Effect Shader''
Effect shaders can be stacked too, making a kind of procedural effect.
Not to mention, ''cold breath exhale'' vfx is already working for humanoids who are outside
Gamebryo is gimped, but there are still plenty of nice tricks I have up my sleeve
Simply amazing!