Fallout New Vegas
Bringing some Mercy

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So, some of you saw my last post about the three way companions I am working on, but I have decided to shelve all other projects right now so I can start working on the companion that I have wanted since I started playing New Vegas. A Preacher companion. Now, I have put this project on and off the shelf because of the likes of Saxxons companion, the bible hunt quest mod, and some other issues. But, none the less, I have decided to focus my attention on my own version of a wasteland preacher. A more fire and Brimstone like gunslinger, but not the preachy kind. More of someone who will acknowledge your choices, but voice his own opinions before hand. Story is still being worked on, and I will post pictures of him in game at some point in the future(by which I mean if not today then tomorrow. Story should also be done by then or at least some of his details), but for now here is some geck shots of him.The Goal?Voice,Quest, and interaction with certain areas in the Waste. Advice, and any help is very welcome. 


  1. GhoulChew
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I was thinking the other day about making a preacher char
  2. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Sounds great. Give a holler if you need any help or voice acting.