Fallout New Vegas
New ish optic models

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  1. HashiriyaR32
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Do the reticles work while under the effects of Stealth Boy?
    1. AdayDr1en
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      No idea. NV doesn't have conventional open-sight optics. I'm sure Beth or Obsidian didn't think to ensure the reticles for such would be visible while cloaking. They really only had the use of scopes in mind. So, over-layed textures over the screen with a border and reticle are all that'd be playable while cloaking.
    2. WhiskeyRiver2
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Possible solution - look into how Heffy did it for the AR red dot (the AC-whatever the hell it is) in his pack. I can still see the dot clear as day (though slightly shifted) when I'm cloaked via either a Stealth Boy or PN's stealth nanobots.