Fallout New Vegas

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  1. GlimmerOfNope
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    What this thing really needs is high-quality textures and better particle effects. Possibly even a new mesh to be honest.
  2. deleted5865522
    • account closed
    • 246 kudos
    Ignore this. I see what you did haha, I didn't read. Forgive me.
    1. MBile
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      which script did I reference? I havent been using your script(s). I would use yours. its good work. but I dont want to. so Im not.

      why do you hope isnt not a complete copy of your mod? would that diminish the quality of your work somehow? I'm only fuddling with my own mod since your mod doesnt play well with wmx or pn. would be pleased as punch if it did.

      thanks for the input

      oh also, i did a bunch of these ohhh last year sometime. this holorifle mod i did a looong time ago. so... take that as you would
    2. deleted5865522
      • account closed
      • 246 kudos
      Hmm. Very well. And no, it does not diminish the quality of my work - I just don't want replicas. I hope you understand. I have nothing against you or your mod - It's great work. I'm just on edge for some reason lately.

      Good luck with what you are trying to achieve, and forgive me for coming off as an a** if I have done so. I'm truly sorry.
