Fallout New Vegas
Heists WIP - Update time

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So a (long) while back I posted some teaser shots for a mod I'd been working on for forever. Since posting them, however, the mod has gone through some changes. Changes which I believe were for the best. These changes include, but are not limited to:

- A change in location from a fictional Pacific island to California, USA - allowing for a MUCH larger worldspace and more cohesive story 

- A more fleshed-out backstory which will be accomplished in part through a short Prologue mod (trust me, it'll all make sense in the end). It should also be noted that It will be designed in a way that allows a player to play one part without playing through the other while still making sense

- More everything, really - More custom resources, more music, more quests, locations, items. The whole shebang

There's still no ETA on when I'll be finished, but despite the fact I'm sorry to have kept everyone waiting so long, I think the extra time put into this project will make it all the more enjoyable. :)

P.S. More shots to come ;)

P.P.S. I'm writing this at 1:00am and I have to wake up ridiculously early for school. If this post seems rushed, it's cuz it was :p I was just anxious to get some info out there and show that this mod isn't dead!

1 comment

  1. kingwilfre16
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    now I just need a John Wick race with akimbo pistols, or the Payday clowns, to be ready.