Fallout 4 Mods on the Xbox One

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Yes mods are coming to the Xbone http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-15-fallout-4-pc-mods-can-be-played-and-shared-on-xbox-one-for-free


  1. Gam3r87
    • account closed
    • 43 kudos
    Damn i got a ps4 oh well in a couple years time im sure when i come on nexus home page you see fallout 4 mods being 1st or 2nd to skyrim
    1. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Personally when I first played Skyrim I didn't think it would beat Oblivion. I still think it is the worst of all the tes titles. Yes the rocks and water look great but the game is boring, it is so wonky to play and mod that I can't believe how popular it is. Most of the mods are garbage though and the rest are so complicated to set up that if you ever want to remove them you have to start a new game. If FO4 has anything to do with Steam I will not be touching it. It did look good though.
    2. PotatoeGun
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      First of all, I hated Oblivion. It was way more boring than Skyrim for me. Honestly, I don't see why everyone thought it was such a great game. But that's just me.

      Anyway, don't get your hopes down. They'll probably release mods for PS4 at some point. It'll likely come later, but as with most console exclusive agreements, it shouldn't be permanent. I'm willing to bet if you wait you'll have the same thing for PS4.
  2. GlimmerOfNope
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    • 34 kudos
    I don't think it's possible for me to hate Bethesda anymore than I currently do after hearing this.

    This is the death of PC gaming. We loose yet another PC-exclusive feature to the consoles.

    Bethesda is the worst thing for PC gaming in a while. Mark my words, they will find a way to sneak in payed mods as well.

    I hope they remove this feature in order to boost DLC sales on the consoles, or any reason for that matter.

    I do not want any of my mods going to the Xbox or PS4. Consoles are cancer and have been responsible for dumbing-down games for the broader masses for decades.
    1. MadBomberMatt
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Since when was modding PC-exclusive? Mods existed on consoles, even before Fallout 4. If you think modding was PC-exclusive, I feel sorry for you.
    2. MadBomberMatt
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      And besides, if it concerns you so much, why don't you boycott Bethesda? Or better yet, go to their doors and riot saying "no mods for consoles"? I'm a multiplatformer and really, I didn't care either way about the mods news. But to say no mods for Xbox or PS4 is just like telling the Japanese to get out of China; pointless and non-beneficial to either party.
    3. RangerBoo
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      I wonder how they'll try to make mods work for consoles seeing as how many mods need script extenders to run them. I have a feeling that this is going to backfire for Bethesda unless they really work on it.
    4. MadBomberMatt
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I do agree on that, seeing that most mods are usually script extender reliant, especially many interface mods. There might be some sort of workaround, but we can't be too sure until full details are released.
    5. GlimmerOfNope
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      "And besides, if it concerns you so much, why don't you boycott Bethesda? Or better yet, go to their doors and riot saying "no mods for consoles"?"

      Now now, there is no need to attempt to belittle someone because they hold an opinion contrary to yours. Just because someone's post bursts your egocentric happy bubble doesn't mean you need to trivialize them, I have perfectly legitimate reasons for why I think this is bad news.

      I would like to see them institute a system where modders can decide what platforms they want their mods released on, however. But again i don't want to see mods on consoles at all.

      "I didn't care either way about the mods news. But to say no mods for Xbox or PS4 is just like telling the Japanese to get out of China; pointless and non-beneficial to either party."

      You obviously lack an understanding of basic marketing if you fail to realize the value of having an exclusive feature for a specific console/gaming platform. If a feature that was unique to one platform gets ported over to the others, the original platform suffers in both sales and popularity, and the other platforms impede on it's share of sales.
      This is why consoles have exclusive games/features and why Microsoft buys out gaming studios and makes them release DLC for Xbox first. If they use this technique to promote their consoles, why are you mad that I think console users should not be able to mod their games?

      Secondly, as a former Xbox player/xbox live user I can attest to the fact that they have far lower standards than PC users. They are far less resistant to being scammed/charged for more money than PC users. They have a higher percentage of little kids/low IQ users who don't understand the value of money and don't have the resistance to slimy marketing tactics that I see amongst PC users. While the PC modding community was by and large starkly and viciously opposed to buying mods, the Xbox and PS4 user bases will be far more open to it. And if our vote is cast in with theirs we will very likely be drowned out the next time Bethesda/Microsoft attempts payed mods again (and you know they will). Console users just don't understand the spirit of the PC modding community.

      Another issue is that in order for the console community to gain access to mods they will have to further centralize the process and may very well create a Beth-exclusive script extender in order to achieve this end, as well as a centralized hub to post all the mods to, to the exclusion of other platforms. If this centralization occurs, it will make it much easier for Beth to shove payed mods down our throat at some time in the future because the ability to mod will be monopolized under a single party (which Bethesda will have bought out).

      This is not a beneficial, mutual relationship for the PC like the potential trading partnership between China and Japan. That is a terrible analogy and misses the point.

      "Since when was modding PC-exclusive? Mods existed on consoles, even before Fallout 4. If you think modding was PC-exclusive, I feel sorry for you."

      Modding has been PC exclusive since the beginning. There have been minor, trivial attempts at modding on consoles but they have all been met with either scorn by the developer or have been very minor in scope or scale compared to the PC. Also, while you have been able to instal many minor mods for other games most were never supported by game developers.

    6. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      I think this could turn out to be good for PC gaming, the XBox is never going to be able to match the PC when it comes to mods. The Xbox will offer just a taste, they'll see all the stuff running on PC, compare it to the limited experience on the Xbox and maybe want to switch, then there are those who get a taste for it and want to create their own mods, they'll need to switch too.
  3. FNVNuke180
    • member
    • 70 kudos
    I'd like to see an interview between these two on this very subject... Precious would wipe the floor with him
  4. RangerBoo
    • supporter
    • 41 kudos
    Yeah I have the feeling that they're going to try to limit modding with FO4. What with having the player character be voiced and taking away many RPG elements out of 4. Its clear who Beth wants to sell this game to and its not PC gamers or modders! Good thing I have no interest in FO4 now.
    1. MadBomberMatt
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Your loss. I'm still getting it because I'm a fan of the series, regardless of the features.
    2. RangerBoo
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      I just can't get over how much Beth is trying to turn Fallout into Mass Effect. If I wanted to play Mass Effect I will play Mass Effect. And I just can't get over the fact that the main character is voiced with an established back story and personality! Ugh! I get the feeling that Fallout 4 will be just like Skyrim. Pretty to look at but lacking in a lot of the RPG qualities that made its predecessors great.
    3. Razzeil
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Same for me I did love Fallout 3s start but I could be who I want and do it how I'd like. A voice will make harder to emirs my self in the game that's meant to be a RPG (Role Playing Game) not be who we tell you to be.
    4. RangerBoo
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Same here! I don't like the fact the the protagonist is voiced and has a back story of being a family man/women. I feel like I will be playing Beth's character not my character. If Beth wanted to do something like this in Fallout they should have made a spinoff game or something new instead of trying to turn Fallout into Mass Effect.
    5. Razzeil
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Even in Mass Effect you can pick bits of your back story.
    6. RangerBoo
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      I know! Which made that game have more in terms of customization then with what I've seen so far from FO4. At lest with Mass Effect you had option to how you want Shepherds back story to be making Shepherd your Shepherd. It doesn't look like we'll get that luxury with FO4 sadly.
    7. Razzeil
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Maybe we can get a mod to fix Bethesda like how modders fix there games.
    8. RangerBoo
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      If only.
  5. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 233 kudos
    Mmm, I don't see it ending well, but as long as they aren't charging for mods I'm not going to complain. I really doubt I'll be buying this game anyways, I just feel bad for the Xbox players. Xbox One's are already broken enough without trying to shove a bunch of mods on top of the whole mess. :/
    1. MadBomberMatt
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I have an Xbox ONE and it's not that bad. The only time I crashed on the system was due to overloading several games. I don't have my doubts on the mods being available for the One, but you can expect some sort of catch.
  6. Psijonica
    • supporter
    • 100 kudos
    the arc of the covenant

    This opens up a lot of questions and concerns really... it sounds as if they may be trying to limit the type of modding available for fo4 eh?
    1. karasu78
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Some mods probably wouldn't even work ie texture replacers anything that might need new scripts any animations that would need to be placed in a correct folder anything that needs to be placed in a different folder plus they might even add paid mods
    2. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Of course they are going to be paid mods for the xbone... their new website will function as a hub to purchase them.
    3. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      They've already said they're free.
    4. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 100 kudos
      Really?!? Where did you read that jim?

      Edit: Oh I see the link now,.. But they didn't say there wouldn't be mods for sale either. There may be free mods and mods for sale.

      Have you heard of any reports where Howard addressed the Steam paid mods fiasco?
    5. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      No which makes me think they'd rather put that behind them, I'd be really surprised if they were dumb enough to try and pull the paid mods stunt again.
    6. RangerBoo
      • supporter
      • 41 kudos
      Wanna bet? I wouldn't put it passed Bethesda honestly.
  7. Custom22
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Xbox One makes my little toaster look like complete garbage in comparison, so assuming the game is well optimized, I think mods can only improve the game.
  8. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 417 kudos
    I foresee a lot of happy people with this one, because the first mod enables the hidden canister of Nitrous Oxide inside the Xbox, so no one in the room will care if anything works or not
    1. Razzeil
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I foresee a lot of porn mods for the Xbone.
    2. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      I foresee little Billy getting 10 frames a second while smoke belches from the back of the Xbox.
    3. Razzeil
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      That too.
  9. starfis
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    Well, they can always limit it to hats, right?