Fallout New Vegas
Plasma pepperbox progress picture

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Alliteration FTW. Still messing with this design before I build the final model. The front part will crack open to take a battery much like the COP 357 Derringer, off which I based the general proportions.


  1. fisto23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    l hope you do Energy weapons for fallout new Vegas it desperately needs it the one thing that imo sucked about the arsenal in fo:nv was the god awful plasma weapons . obsidian/Bethesda couldn't have made them any less fun to use if they tried .
  2. Minezombie
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    If this is done before Fallout 4's release, is it possible it could go into NV? I'd be really excited to see a Millenia made energy weapon in my game.
    1. GlimmerOfNope
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      I second this.
  3. Shoeburglar
    • premium
    • 368 kudos
    Yeees energy weapons
  4. loopdeloopman57
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    When this is finished is this going to Nv ?
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,788 kudos
      Prolly not, more meant for 4
    2. NoGodsNoMasters2081
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'm gonna guess you were either super relieved by the endless possibilities of weapons mods in fallout 4 or incredibly depressed by the amount of work its going to take if you do make any mods for it
  5. weijiesen
    • supporter
    • 1,203 kudos
    Millenia..... energy weapon.... !?!?

    so hell froze over and I wasn't informed
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,788 kudos
      gotta get my energy weapon game on for Fallout 4
    2. motherurck
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      So there is a chance that you might add your weapons to FO4? :O
    3. Naky
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Yes and no. It hinges on a lot of things, like the tools that are released, whether or not existing ones get updated, an exporter can be figured out, etc.

      Also, we will probably not be reusing a whole lot of what we made for FNV. We'd like to take full advantage of the updated graphics engine and the expanded weapons modding/crafting system and that means quite a lot of the existing weapons we've done aren't up to snuff.

      Plus we had a discussion and agreed that we won't start seriously modding until we're done with the game. The problem I had/have with FNV is that I started modding it before I finished playing it (still have never finished the game, or any of the DLCs beyond Dead Money) and I have next to no attachment to it as a result. So it's harder for me to get motivated these days to work on a five year old game that I've never finished nor now have any desire to finish or even play.
    4. motherurck
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I understand that. You need to finish the game to understand what needs to be added and things like that. Though with NV, it really does feel like Fallout 3 with a new map and a bunch addons like iron sights and weapon mods. So as someone who did beat it without mods, I also didn't have that much of an attachment. Still play it though, cause it doesn't have windows live, uses steam and thanks to people like you that make a bunch of high quality mods.

      Also I'm waiting for the next edition of Weapons of the New Millenia before I start playing it again. So no pressure.

      Though Naky, is it going to be done before FO4?
    5. Naky
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      That's the plan. And letting the cat out of the bag, it will be the final update to it and FNV modding will likely end from us too. But if we can pull together all the plans we have for the update, we'll be leaving a pretty great weapon resource for other modders to draw from when we go though.
    6. motherurck
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      So final eh? So are the Spas 12 and Galil going to be included or are they pretty much dead? And what about this plasma gun and that MAC thingy.
    7. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,788 kudos
      Galil will be in, dunno about anything else. It's never going to be finished and released unless we cap it off at some point. Kind of done with New Vegas at this point.
    8. motherurck
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Bored of it, or just too excited to play it cause of FO4?
    9. XxXPlasticXxX
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      So, that means we will be getting more info about the secret Unreal Engine 4 project is, riiight?
      (Does my pleading tone come across sufficiently?)
  6. Rosslikesbacon1996
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Are you possibly going to reuse the weapons you've created for Fallout 4?
    1. Naky
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      You don't really like reading all the comments first, do ya.
  7. Psijonica
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    I LOVE it! Finally the master makes an energy weapon!!!

    If you need a beta tester I have just started a new TTW game
    1. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,788 kudos
      I doubt it'll be finished before Naky and I are finished with NV, sorry. Starting to plan out for Fallout 4 now :v
    2. Psijonica
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Aww but that's not fair!

      So then now that my excitement has been taken away from me can I ask you what do you mean by plans? Are you referring to new PC upgrades and stuff?
  8. ninjarat314
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love the design and concept. Energy weapons have always been a staple of my character's build, and it's great to see my favorite Modder working on such a wonderful piece. Can't wait to see it in action.
  9. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,545 kudos
    Oyeeah oooooyeah!
    Does it look like a spaceship a bit, or it's just me? XDD
    If you release it for FNV - I make a DW version asap. This gun looks nasty
  10. thePhantomGamer
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    pure amazing