Fallout New Vegas
Recently Turned Feral Ghoul

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Will just be labeled as Feral Ghoul in game, but this will be coming in the next update of Monster Mod - Additions. This is a Feral Ghoul that recently turned Feral thus doesn't look very different from the non-feral Ghoul. They use normal Ghoul textures so if you have Fallout Character Overhaul, they should use the textures from that mod. They do use Feral Ghoul animations too.


  1. Dandie
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Looks sweet! Will there be different armor variations? Making NCR soldiers at Camp Searchlight in this style will be an amazing thing imo.
    1. GendunDrup
      • member
      • 110 kudos
      The current version only has two versions but I'll make more in a later update. There is the recent turned Feral Ghoul and the recent turned Marked Men. The next update is mostly focused on Fiends though but I'll see if I can fit some more Ghouls in.
    2. Dandie
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      It's just a suggestion, didn't mean to tell you what to do - just recently thought that those soldiers would look more logical being not so vanilla-feral-like - I mean, they have been transformed comparatively recently.
      In any case, your screenshots look very good. I don't use Monster Mod - a bit too many "controversial" critters for my purist tastes, but I still feel like taking some of yours and adding them into the game myself if anything.