Fallout New Vegas
Ranger Lawrence in the Capital Wasteland

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I decided to take a small break from modding and continue Desert Ranger Lawrence's adventure in the capital wasteland. After seeing most of squad wiped out by the legion and seeing most of his fellow Desert Rangers absorbed by the NCR Rafe Lawrence decided to travel east. Eventually his travels lead him to Megaton where he met a Victoria Watts. As he listens to Ms. Watts speak he can't help but think there's a more looming issue just over the horizan. Lawrence has reason to believe that the Enclave may be in the DC area and if so they're a precious few in the Wasteland who can be relied upon to defend the free towns of Megaton, Rivet City, Underworld, and Arefu.


  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Hey, that's some really cool armor.
    1. gunslinger6792
      • supporter
      • 59 kudos
      Thank you I just repurposed one of the original armors I did and figured it fit the feel of a heavier set of Desert Ranger combat armor for when you go spelunking around in heavy combat zones.
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Sounds like a good reason to start a new training program for combat spelunking to me.