Fallout New Vegas
Unique Service Rifle Progress 1

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  1. NumBlacK
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Looks great. I just have a question. Did you fix it's good grief iron sights? Other than that I'm only thinking of grabbing a wrap and put it around the mag/clip/whatever you wanna call it.
    1. KrazyGentleman
      • premium
      • 40 kudos
      Thanks! The zoom node isn't properly aligned with the iron sight, but that can be easily fixed in like 30 sec. I'll probably add more wraps to the handguard and one to the magazine.
    2. NumBlacK
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      I see.. It looks really good. Zoom node can be a can to get it properly aligned though. So take your time.