The Cavalry came to help

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This was a first time for me. I wasn't on particuarly good terms with the PGs after having ratted them to Lt Hayes. They slaughtered the soldiers and shot me up - badly. (León is only Lvl 3)On the way to Y-shack to pick up some heavy weapons for clearing the wardens office, Victor suddenly appeared out of nowhere and shot up this bunch. Never actually saw that before.


  1. Dazaster
    • premium
    • 420 kudos
    I talked to him once before the P.G fight at Goodsprings and he replied "Trouble with rustlers" or something and actually joined in. I thought "That's handy" and tried doing it again a few times. He still said the same thing, but never bothered to help ever again.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      Guess his AI is broken - or something..........
  2. deshaz
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    Useful at last
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      Guess there has to be a first for everything
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Well, butter my buns and call me a biscuit!
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      I'll leave it to GP to bite on THAT one
  4. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    Bernt, you are a wizzard on the textures. I have noticed that on another image I commented as well:-)
    My only guess is you are using "CowFood"? Aren't you?
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      CowFod is right. And host of other mods. If you're curious just PM me And thank you for your kind words
  5. Sleepytime
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    you sure have done a great job with the textures, love how your game looks
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      Thnak you Sleepytime Well - I'll have to pass that on to the various modders whose work I use
  6. JimboUK
    • premium
    • 465 kudos
    I've never seen him down that way.
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      Neither have I. Usually around Jean and Novac. But he saved my bacon
  7. Angrod88
    • supporter
    • 79 kudos
    Glad to see him doing something in game, for a change. Other than getting rekt'd by cazadores if the Courier is stubborn enough and tries to leave GS by the back door XD
    1. Bernt
      • premium
      • 392 kudos
      Thank you for the tip. Maybe I should try that one next time