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About this mod

*Updated Fix* for original mod Speedy Glasses

Permissions and credits
Enjoyed this mod and like others wanted to "wear" my spiffy shades correctly.

-== Original Mod Credits: squid1234 ==-

This mod adds speed glasses to the game. Wearing them will allow your character to run extremely fast.

Place the mod file in the Fallout New Vegas\Data directory
Activate the mod (start Fallout and click data on the splash screen then click on the speed glasses mod)

The glasses appear in a footlocker just inside Doc Mitchell's house (the starting location)
There are two pairs of each so you may be able to give one to a companion

Go to apparel in the pipboy and equip the speed glasses

speed glasses 200 makes walking and running 2x faster
speed glasses 400 makes walking as fast as running used to be and running 4x faster

Don't forget you can toggle between walk and run (caps lock key) to slow down and speed up