About this mod
Increases the number of Companions you can have based off your Charisma.
- Permissions and credits
Name: {IC} Improved Companions
Author: grotese
Version: 1.3b
Date: 3/04/2011
Cateogry: Game Effects and Changes
Link: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36949
Homepage: None
In vanilla NV, I was disappointed Obsidian didn't do anything more interesting with the Charisma Attribute. It was just as
useless as it was in Fallout 3. Sure there's Companion Nerve or something like that, but it's so behind the scenes it's basically
So, I decided to add a more CRPG style of Charisma into the game. Now, having a high Charisma will allow you to bring along more
followers and critters on your journey. On the other hand, having a low charisma will leave you alone and unwanted like the social
outcast you are.
Here's the Table showing the Level of a player's Charisma and the Max number of Followers he can have:
(Charisma, Critters, Humanoids )
1 1 0 // Fallout New Vegas Modder
2 1 0 // Hermit
3 1 0 //
4 1 1 //
5 2 1 // Average Joe
6 2 2 //
7 2 3 //
8 2 4 //
9 2 5 // Celebrity
10 2 6 // Cult Leader
I've also made sure players don't try to get more Followers than what's allowed. If you pop a few Mentats, temporarily boost your Charisma,
hire all the companions you can find, and then let the boost fade off, your followers won't fall for it. Once they realize you're a fraud,
they'll confront you and then leave.
This should work with any vanilla game save. It will immedietly count your companions and start up. It might not work with other companion mods.
Other Versions:
This version comes with two other versions: Balanced and Unlimited.
Balanced is designed to be more balanced and flow with the vanilla game, you get less companions in total but you can get companions with a lower Charisma
Here's the Table:
(Charisma, Critters, Humanoids )
1 1 0 // Fallout New Vegas Modder
2 1 1 // Hermit
3 1 1 //
4 1 1 //
5 1 1 // Average Joe
6 1 2 //
7 2 2 //
8 2 3 //
9 2 3 // Celebrity
10 2 4 // Cult Leader
The Unlimited Version is similar to "Unlimted Companions" mod by olegbl, but, currently, olegbl's mod does not support casino weapon checking.
This is for those who want to cheat and have unlimted companions and not have a bugged game when entering casinos.
The table for this is self explanitory.
1. Extract the files from the archive.
2. Copy files to (install folder)\Fallout NV\Data\, should be an .esp and Sound files
3. Start Fallout NV Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
1. Start Fallout NV Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Does not work with Unlimited Companions and that's fairly obvious why.
Arcade might have an error with hiring but none aside from that one have been reported. Please let me know if you find any.
1.3b 3/04/2011 - version 1.3b
* Added Re-Evaluate button in <ic>HelpItem to recalculate number of companions you can have and currently have.<br>* Fixed Lucky38ElevatorDoorScript to make all companions wait when going to the Penthouse floor in the Lucky38.<br>1.3a - verion 1.3a<br>* Removed Caravan.esm dependency from plugins.<br>1.3 2/17/2011 - Version 1.3<br>* Fixed, Stops companions from following PC into Mr.House's room <br>* Set <ic> Help Item to be aid item<br>* <ic>HelpItem supports companion teleportation<br>1.2 11/18/2010 - Version 1.2<br>* Added system to check whenever game modifies companion count. Should fix many bugs.<br>1.1b 11/16/2010 - Version 1.1b<br>* Fixed EDE upgrade not removing EDE as a follower.<br>1.1a 11/15/2010 - Version 1.1a<br>* Added weapon checking at the Silver Rush.<br>1.1 11/13/2010 - Version 1.1<br>* Added support for weapon checking in Legion's Fort<br>* Added weapon checking for Casinos Gommorah, The Tops and the Luxe.<br>* Added <ic> HelpItem to be used to view current number of companions and your current max.(WILL WORK WITH GAMES ALREADY USING MOD, NO NEED FOR RESART)<br>1.0 11/9/2010 - Initial Release<br><br>===============<br>Contact:<br>===============<br><br>None<br><br>===============<br>Recommended Mods:<br>===============<br><br>None<br><br>===============<br>Credits:<br>===============<br><br>Thanks to Obsidian for creating Fallout New Vegas.<br>Thanks to Bethesda for making the G.E.C.K<br>Thanks to InsanitySorrow for ReadMe Generator this readme is based on.<br><br>===============<br>Tools Used:<br>===============<br><br>GECK<br>Fallout 3 ReadMe Generator<br><br>===============<br>License/Legal:<br>===============<br><br>This file is provided as is and the author holds no responsiblity for anything that may come to happen from using this file.<br></ic></ic></ic></ic>