I found out the District 9 energy gun was added on the Nexus Mods and so I wondered if there are more stuff from the IP people have added to FNV, Found this, cool, good job on this one, the models look great!
Could this be used to revive it in falllout 4?
I know this mod is discontinued, but I'm having an issue where the game spams my screen with 'You can wear that over the prawn suit, take that off first' during the transformation blackout. Nothing i do seems to fix it. Has anyone else had this issue?
This is genuinely good, sad you're not updating this anymore
Cam you mod it for Fallout 4?
Maybe when district 10 comes out it may make a return... one can dream
Damn shame this isn't being updated anymore! Would have loved to see this get fleshed out more
Anyone know the ID's for the Prawn power suit and helmet?
How long does it take for you to finish transforming into a Prawn? Will wearing normal clothes cause any problems with it?
im a bit confused is this a race mod or just turning your already made character into one PLEASE HALP