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About this mod

A small file which does great things, adding all the great features of Project Nevada to the ADAM mod helmets

Permissions and credits
The patch has been prepared for those of you who wish to use the great ADAM mod along with Project Nevada and retain all great features of the latter.

My patch covers:

* ADAM-Main custom helmets (all have Visor Base effect, Dark Red tint, NCR visor shape, Damage Maps, Night Vision and Heat Vision)

* Honest Hearts custom helmets (both have Visor Base effect, Light Green tint, NCR visor shape, Damage Maps, Night Vision and Heat Vision)

* Outcast Mask (has Visor Base effect, Dark Red tint, NCR visor shape and Damage Maps. Please note that this mask has no vision modes as it would then lose its unique feature to be worn with hats)

* Ranger Patrol Helmet (has Visor Base effect, Light Green tint, Advanced Recon visor shape, Damage Maps, Night Vision, Heat Vision and Scanner)

* Defaced Ranger Combat Helmet (has Visor Base effect, Dark Red tint, NCR visor shape, Damage Maps, Night Vision and Heat Vision)

* Prototype Riot Gear Helmet (has Visor Base effect, Light Blue tint, NCR visor shape, Damage Maps, Night Vision, Heat Vision, EMP Vision and Scanner)


The patch can be installed directly via Nexus Mod Manager using its "Add Mod from File" function in its "Mods" tab.

- the patch should be loaded UNDER all other ADAM files in order to work properly
- the patch currently relies on Project Navada's Equipment Module (optional Non-Equipment version is planned)
- ADAM has been created by EmeraldReign. His mod can be endorsed on the ADAM mod page
- I have also updated his great mod with some new fixes. ADAM v. 4.1 is available here: ADAM ver. 4.1 Download Link

Should you have any problems or questions contact me, that is Al99 via the Nexus PM system.

Cheers and have a great day :)
