About this mod
Adds commander radio which lets you command Legion units.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Requires NVSE.
Adds commander radio which lets you command Legion units.
You need good reputation with the Legion in able to call in legionaries.
Default hotkey is L for menu and H for soldier menu. (Configurable)
Note: This mod might not be lore-friendly, there is only one known legate that's alive but I still decided to add legate NPCs. Please comment if you would/would not want the legate for the next update.
Scouts have 80% chance to spawn with a mongrel, it will only follow scouts or explorers, if none are alive, the dog will simply leave (Tested, not working properly... will take a look at it).
Because of limitation from of the menu, I've placed all decanus in a seperate menu, as well as scout/explorer and praetorian/centurion/legate. Report any bugs or suggestions.
Want NCR units instead? Go to this mod: NCR Commander.
- Recruit Legionary: Limit 5(Accepted) and 8(Liked) equiped with:
- Leveled list of Legion recruit armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion recruit weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Prime Legionary: Limit 3(Accepted) and 5(Liked) and 8(Idolized) equiped with:
- Leveled list of legion prime armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion prime weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Veteran Legionary: Limit 2(Accepted) and 5(Liked) equiped with:
- Leveled list of legion veteran armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion veteran weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Decanus Legionary: Limit 2(Accepted) and 4(Liked) and 6(Idolized) equiped with:
- Leveled list of legion decanus armor with helmet of specific rank - Leveled list of legion decanus weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Scout Legionary: Limit 4(Accepted) and 6(Liked) and 8(Idolized) equiped with:
- Leveled list of Legion explorer armor with hood - Hunting rifle- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems- With 80% of spawning with a mongrel(dog) - Explorer Legionary: Limit 3(Accepted) and 5(Liked) and 8(Idolized)
- Leveled list of Legion explorer armor with hood - Leveled list of legion explorer weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Vexillarius Legionary: Limit 1(Accepted) and 3(Liked) and 5(Idolized)
- Vexillarius armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion Vexillarius weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Vexillarius Legionary: Limit 1(Accepted) and 3(Liked) and 5(Idolized)
- Leveled list of Vexillarius armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion Vexillarius weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Centurion Legionary: Limit 2(Liked) and 4(Idolized)
- Leveled list of Centurion armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion Centurion weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Praetorian Legionary: Limit 2(Liked) and 4(Idolized)
- Leveled list of Praetorian armor with helmet - Ballistic fist- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems - Legate Legionary: Limit 1(Liked) and 2(Idolized)
- Leveled list of Legate armor with helmet - Blade of the East- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
To do list:
Prioritize: Low Somewhat High
Clean some old stuffRebalance all NPCs
Recheck their inventory Fix dog AI (Tested, doesn't function properly)
Make it compatible with faction armors
Initial release
- Added Legion units.