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About this mod

Adds commander radio which lets you command Legion units.

Permissions and credits

Requires NVSE.

Adds commander radio which lets you command Legion units.
You need good reputation with the Legion in able to call in legionaries.
Default hotkey is L for menu and H for soldier menu. (Configurable)

Note: This mod might not be lore-friendly, there is only one known legate that's alive but I still decided to add legate NPCs. Please comment if you would/would not want the legate for the next update.
Scouts have 80% chance to spawn with a mongrel, it will only follow scouts or explorers, if none are alive, the dog will simply leave (Tested, not working properly... will take a look at it).
Because of limitation from of the menu, I've placed all decanus in a seperate menu, as well as scout/explorer and praetorian/centurion/legate. Report any bugs or suggestions.

Want NCR units instead? Go to this mod: NCR Commander.

  • Recruit Legionary: Limit 5(Accepted) and 8(Liked) equiped with:
    - Leveled list of Legion recruit armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion recruit weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Prime Legionary: Limit 3(Accepted) and 5(Liked) and 8(Idolized) equiped with:
    - Leveled list of legion prime armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion prime weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Veteran Legionary: Limit 2(Accepted) and 5(Liked) equiped with:
    - Leveled list of legion veteran armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion veteran weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Decanus Legionary: Limit 2(Accepted) and 4(Liked) and 6(Idolized) equiped with:
    - Leveled list of legion decanus armor with helmet of specific rank - Leveled list of legion decanus weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Scout Legionary: Limit 4(Accepted) and 6(Liked) and 8(Idolized) equiped with:
    - Leveled list of Legion explorer armor with hood - Hunting rifle- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems- With 80% of spawning with a mongrel(dog)
  • Explorer Legionary: Limit 3(Accepted) and 5(Liked) and 8(Idolized)
    - Leveled list of Legion explorer armor with hood - Leveled list of legion explorer weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Vexillarius Legionary: Limit 1(Accepted) and 3(Liked) and 5(Idolized)
    - Vexillarius armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion Vexillarius weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Vexillarius Legionary: Limit 1(Accepted) and 3(Liked) and 5(Idolized)
    - Leveled list of Vexillarius armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion Vexillarius weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Centurion Legionary: Limit 2(Liked) and 4(Idolized)
    - Leveled list of Centurion armor with helmet - Leveled list of legion Centurion weapon- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Praetorian Legionary: Limit 2(Liked) and 4(Idolized)
    - Leveled list of Praetorian armor with helmet - Ballistic fist- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
  • Legate Legionary: Limit 1(Liked) and 2(Idolized)
    - Leveled list of Legate armor with helmet - Blade of the East- Leveled list of random items; such as water, food chems
Next version: All units will have lower health, they were like tanks otherwise.Inventory should be alright, but I will tweak it be continued...

To do list:
Prioritize: Low Somewhat High
Clean some old stuffRebalance all NPCs
Recheck their inventory Fix dog AI (Tested, doesn't function properly)
Make it compatible with faction armors


Initial release
  • Added Legion units.