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About this mod

Applies Weapon Retexture Project retex of Grenade Launcher to all applicable parts of the Holorifle, available in Vanilla and WMX flavors

Permissions and credits

Author: MadCat221 (MadCat221@gmail.com)

Version: 1.0

June 10, 2013

1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Terms of Usage
4: Version History


The Holorifle. One of the most awesome-yet-practical weapons in the FONV vanilla/DLC arsenal, fashioned out of bits of holoprojector tech and a pump-action 40mm grenade launcher frame.

However... compared to the 40mm grenade launcher with Weapon Retexture Project textures by Hans "Millenia" Palm... it looks kinda ratty.

I've taken it upon myself to take the Holorifle and the altered 40mm grenade launcher mesh in Hans's retexture into the 3DS Max mesh chop shop and make a combo, replacing what parts I could with the version mapped to the grenade launcher.

Additionally, an optional download is available to make Weapon Mods Expanded work with this. USE ONE OR THE OTHER, NOT BOTH (though all that will happen is you waste space in your mod load order).

This is released with permission from Millenia and Antistar.


Due to the fact that Millenia completely overhauls the UVW layout on most of his later works in his Weapon Retexture Project (can't say I blame him, some of them are atrocious), you will require WRP, or the stand-alone 40mm Grenade Launcher retex mod.

Additionally, if you use the WMX version, I presume you understand that you require WMX Dead Money.


1: Download whichever version is pertinent.

2: Install by copying the module and Meshes folder.

3: Activate the module. If installing the WMX version, make sure it loads after the WMX Dead Money module.

Millenia, for the re-tex/re-UVW from his Weapon Retexture Project ( http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38285//? ) standalone grenade launcher: ( http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/46956//? )

Antistar, for Weapon Mods Expanded ( http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/39651//? )

Me, for the mesh chop work