AWESOME mod SpamPTRS, Love how this goes with my 10 other weapons. Oh and i was wondering are you ever gonna make a sniper called Barret 50 cal or whatever its called. I think it would be AWESOME. =)
I know it may not be real accurate to real life, but I think it would animate better in game if you had it load with a clip like the hunting rifle. The game has the animations for that.
Made a video review of this awesome mod! Check it out!
Looks pretty DOPE! Will endorse!
i made a review for your mod. check it out!
is there a scopeless version?
Good-looking gun. What armor is that?
nice job was, thinking about the same gun... http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/Images/76828/?
Your weapons mods are greatly improving. Keep at it!