About this mod
Classic Fallout Arsenal - Pancor Jackhammer shotgun
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"Classic Fallout Arsenal" Team presents the second weapon from the "CFA" project - Pancor Jackhammer. This classic shotgun from Fallout 2 is
recreated with maximum precision. During the process of modeling, the blueprints and references of the original Pancor Jackhammer mk1 were
used. The final finish of model's appearance was based on icon from Fallout 2.
Our project is aimed at recreating the whole arsenal from Fallout 2 in both Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4. We plan to make absolutely all the weapons, from spear to rocket launcher and to integrate them into the world of Mojave Wasteland and The Commonwealth. All weapons will have upgrades, its own firing, reloading animations and more. And more important - this is not just a compilation of other people's works, but our own completely standalone work.
Pancor Jackhammer now is available as a beta-version: textures finishing, new animations and other improvements are to come. The mod is being uploaded as a way of announcing ourselves and also as an attempt to attract people to the team: we are in real need for scripters and texturers.
Probably, you are already stumbled upon our another work: Wattz 2000, which is available for download here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61289/?
If not, you are welcome to download it and to try it out in game.
P.s. Pancor can be found inside Jean Sky Diving near Goodsprings.